Busted: 6 Myths About Midwives Myth number 1: Birth with a midwife is not safe Fact: Years of research has shown that for low risk women, birth with a midwife is as safe, and often safer, than birth with a physician. Delivering with a midwife reduces your risk of having a cesarean, assisted vaginal delivery, episiotomy, laceration, postpartum depression…
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Rhonda Fawks, HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator Relaxation is nothing new to childbirth. It is used in practically every method to help mothers during the birthing experience. HypnoBirthing uses this technique as a main focus during childbirth using hypnosis. There is a lot of curiosity about hypnosis and it is often thought, “Isn’t that some type of mind control?” But there are…
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D’Andra Parsons, Birth Boot Camp Instructor As Birth Boot Camp instructors, we often hear lots of reasons why couples don’t really think they need a birth class. One of the more common ones for home birth or birth center couples is that they feel confident that their birth experience will be wonderful because they feel they have chosen a good…